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Providing uniform for families in need


In the first week of March 2021, we sent an appeal to RGS parents for donations of school uniform to help local families facing financial hardship. Once again, we were overwhelmed with the response, with over 250 items donated – filling an entire car boot!

We would like to extend a huge thank you to all the RGS parents who kindly donated school trousers, skirts, shirts, jumpers, school shoes, trainers, football boots and other items, for our community outreach work with local charity, Stripey Stork.

While many of us have been celebrating the re-opening of schools, for some families this presented yet another challenge in an already difficult year. Many found that their children had outgrown their old uniform and they did not have the money to replace it.

Thanks to your generosity we were able to give Stripey Stork over 250 items of clothing to be distributed to local families, so that they didn’t have to worry about how they would clothe their children when they returned to school.

RGS plans to hold a clothing drive after the Easter holidays to help provide summer clothes to local families. If you are planning on sorting through your wardrobes over the Easter break, please keep hold of them so that you can donate them to Stripey Stork. More information on the exact date and time of the event will follow.

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