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RGSLP – The Reading Room

‘Do you trust Big Data?’ This was the message from Adam Sefton, Reading Room’s Head of Strategy, at last night’s RGS London Professionals event at their London Headquarters.

Adam spoke of the dangers associated with accepting big data by its face value, the process of collection, interpretation and how data can be misused and misunderstood. Using examples from recent political campaign polls, the book Spurious Correlations and even Star Wars

Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1  C-3PO

Adam highlighted how we should perhaps be wary of the growing reliance on what is often fiction masquerading as fact.

A truly fascinating topic and one that affects us all, it was great to see so many current RGS Sixth Form Students connecting with members of the RGS Professionals group. Our enormous thanks go to James Elliot (’97) and Polly Lygoe for hosting us and their kind hospitality.

Click here to see the event photos

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