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RGS Headmaster Future Chair of HMC

Mr Shaun Fenton, Headmaster of Reigate Grammar School has been elected to be Chair of HMC (the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference) for 2018-2019, and will serve as Chair-Elect from September 2017. This will be the first time that the Headmaster of Reigate Grammar School has ever been Chair of HMC in the 148-year history of the HMC, and we believe it may be the first time that any school in Surrey has held the Chair of HMC.

HMC schools are some of the biggest and most successful independent schools in the world. They are characterised by their excellence in pastoral care, co-curricular provision, academic standards and classroom teaching. Members include Eton, Wellington College, Royal Grammar School-Guildford, Winchester and Harrow. Recent campaigns and work of HMC have included securing a sustainable arrangement with the Charity Commission around public benefit (before the 2016 Green Paper), securing changes in exam board/Ofqual regulations and negotiating directly with Government about the best way to manage the proposals in the recent Green Paper. HMC has representation at MCC, the FA, the RFU, exam boards, ISI and many other important organisations who welcome the prestige and contribution of HMC schools.

Mr Fenton has already been engaged in HMC for some years already, he has been privileged to serve on the Universities Committee, the Education Committee and more recently the Inspection Committee. He has also been fortunate to serve as Chair of the South East Division twice. He does not foresee a significant increase in time commitment with the appointment of Chair, and this will certainly not serve as a distraction from Mr Fenton’s primary and most important role, Headmaster of RGS, now and for years to come.

Mr Fenton voiced his enthusiasm for the new role: “I’m delighted that the Headteachers of some of the best schools in the country have seen fit to entrust me with this important role. I have 18 months before I become Chairman and will keenly support the current officers in the meantime but I am eager to play my part.” He added “I hope that my HMC role, will benefit the education sector generally but it will also benefit Reigate Grammar School. In fact, everything I do is driven by my pride in, and passion for, the RGS community and my determination to see the school continue to thrive in this ever-changing world… For example, it will give us the chance to maintain and develop the profile of Reigate Grammar School in local and national media. We will be well placed to contribute to the national education policy debates in areas such as exam reform, curriculum development, pastoral care, teenage mental health and more. Also, as we offer approximately twice the proportion of bursary places as the independent sector average, we are especially well placed to offer some leadership in the use of bursaries to promote social mobility.”

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