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Never a dull moment...

Celebrating inspirational women!


Our Reigatian community is truly amazing! Among our parents and former students lies a wealth of knowledge and experience that we want to harness, drawing on their collective insights to help inspire and inform the next generation.

We are especially proud of the incredible women in our community and as part of our support for International Women’s Day (8 March 2020) and our Inspiring Minds initiative, we aim to raise awareness of the importance of equality and diversity. As IWD states,


‘Equality is not just a women’s issue, it’s a business issue. Gender equality is essential for economies and communities to thrive. A gender equal world can be healthier, wealthier and more harmonious.’


As part of our International Women’s Day coverage, we’ve captured the insights and advice of our Reigatian community – please take a look at these videos and interviews via the links below. The hightlight of our activities was our Inspiring Minds to Think Big event, which was held in the Harrison Centre on Thursday 5 March.


Insights and advice from inspirational women

Help us spread the word

To support our efforts to raise awareness about equality and diversity, we have launched a new Facebook group. This will enhance the way the Foundation engages with the RGS community and help our community interact with one another more easily. We’d love you to help us spread the word:

  • SHARE our posts on your social media pages (adding hashtags #ReigatiansIWD, #IWD2020 and #EachforEqual)
  • COMMENT on our posts, adding your advice and insights

As well as Facebook, please connect with us on our other social media channels:



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