RGS Professionals Charity Golf Day 2017
This year’s annual RGS Professionals Charity Golf Day took place on Thursday 12 October 2017 at the illustrious Royal Ashdown Forest Golf Club. The course was in fantastic condition, the sun was shining and over 50 keen enthusiastic golfers arrived greeted by the smell of warm bacon sandwiches before heading out for their day on the course.
It was the team from Dataquest (led by current RGS Parent Dan Jones) that posted the best score of the day to take home first place. Stevensdrake Solicitors, featuring former RGS parents Paul Dungate and Ed Wheeler, held their nerve to win the Thunderball challenge and it was International Rugby Union referee, J.P Doyle, that had the Longest Drive on the monstrous 12th with Richard Risebro proving most accurate on the Nearest to the Pin at the tricky 6th hole.
With all teams fed and watered, it was then time for the RGS Foundation Chairman – Mark Elsey (’78) to provide a brief update of the Changing Lives campaign and to emphasise the importance of events, like the Golf Day, which are integral to raising awareness and funds for our important social mobility work. The afternoon was capped off by an extremely successful auction by our very own Head of Foundation, Sean Davey, and the day raised over £9000 for the Changing Lives campaign. Thank you to everyone that supported the event and made the whole day so successful.
Team Dataquest (LtoR – Dan Jones, Laurie Kerr, Martin Summons – all RGS Parents and Alastair Cleland, Friend of RGS)