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Christmas Gift Appeal for Great Ormond Street


This Christmas, many young people will be unable to leave the hospital due to treatment and illness. The resilience and bravery of these children and their families is remarkable, and so Great Ormond Street charity have teamed up with Fabian’s Childhood Cancer Trust to make things a little bit easier by providing a Christmas gift to let them know someone cares.

What to donate?

  • Gifts for children between 1-13 years
  • Gifts for teens to 25 year olds.
  • Any new toys are welcome, suggestions include Lego, dolls, games or puzzles.
  • For older children, young adults and any parents that may have to stay on the ward unexpectedly, toiletries, small gifts or chocolates (no nuts!) would be welcome.

How to donate?
Please wrap your gift (with a label stating the age it’s appropriate for) and attach with a nice note and your name if you would like.
For example – ‘Merry Christmas’ from XXX

Where to donate?
Bring the gift to school! You can give it to your form tutor during form time or at break/lunch.
Or you can leave your donation in one of the boxes on the table outside reception.

Please drop any gifts to us no later than Thursday 15 December.

Thank you!

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