The Return of Inspiring Minds to Think Big!
After a three year absence, our Inspiring Minds to Think Big event was back! Not only that, this was the first Foundation event attended by our fantastic new team of Foundation Ambassadors from the Lower Sixth, who enthusiastically welcomed our guests for this dynamic RGS Professionals event, including students, staff, parents and alumni. The evening started with drinks and canapés and an opportunity to say hello to old friends and meet new ones, before the audience took their seats. After a brief introduction from the Headmaster, Shaun Fenton, our Head Girl, Neyha, took to the podium to introduce our accomplished panel of speakers, before ably presiding over the event, keeping everyone to time.
We were so fortunate to have a broad wealth of experience to draw upon. Each of our speakers shared advice that helped them to achieve in their chosen field and the topic of equity was embraced by each of them, to give a full and rounded view on why equity matters and how we can strive to improve on making equity not just a right, but a norm. The students were keen to explore this further during the interactive Q&A.
Following three rounds of questioning, the panel took questions from the floor for a more interactive and lively discussion with the students. There was a wealth of wisdom and humour from the panel, peppered with laughter from the audience, and so much to take from the evening, that the students could use to formulate their own, unique ambition. Our esteemed panel from across our Reigatian community were consistent in certain messages, such as the need for resilience and a strong work ethic – be prepared to work harder than anyone else! Although, each panellist also had their own, specific messages:
Rebecca Puttock (RGS 1998-2006): Founder and CEO of Wanderlux Experiential Travel.
Rebecca’s wise words … Equity and equality come down to kindness and owning your mistakes by changing your course through creativity.
Michelle Pierre-Carr (current parent): Commonwealth Champion, Broadcaster, Fashion Stylist and Business Owner.
Michelle’s wise words … Create opportunities for others by pulling them up behind you and don’t accept no for an answer.
Andrew George (former parent): Global Head, Energy & Power Practice, Marsh.
Andrew’s wise words … Work hard, choose something you love, be authentic, embrace neurodiversity in your team and you don’t know success until you know failure.
Shrilla Banerjee (Governor & current parent): Consultant Cardiologist at NHS.
Shrilla’s wise words … Have the confidence to speak up, know your worth, know that you can be a mother and have an exceptional career and establish boundaries.
Harriet Rees (current parent): Film Producer.
Harriet’s wise words … Build relationships and create opportunities by having the confidence to make the connections you need to make.
Neyha brought the Q&A to a close by thanking our wonderful speakers and handed over to Jonny Hylton, Foundation Director, for closing remarks. Jonny emphasised the value of the Reigatian community and how the connections made by the Foundation enable us to put on these enriching experiences for the students, parents and RGS Professionals. As with all Foundation events, there is always time for more conversation, so it was great to see students and parents seizing the opportunity to speak with individual panellists, to learn as much from the evening as they could. As is inevitable, the event ended with contact details being exchanged, light bulb moments for our students, a promise of mentoring and potential opportunities for RGSI connections – all of which serve to benefit Reigatians!
Thank you to everyone who participated in this insightful event!